Sola Scriptura Publications was founded in 2012 for the purpose of Publishing Books for God's Glory and Believer's Growth. Not only do we publish the works of our founder, but we also publish works by other authors (such as out of print books) as we are able. Please review what is listed here and contact us.

Sola Scriptura Publications
PO Box 235 - Meeker, CO 81641
970-878-3228 or 970-618-8375

MISSION STATEMENT: This ministry is committed to publishing books that exposit Scripture or deal with critical subjects of biblical importance, not ones that are trendy or align with modern or post-modern attitudes. Our books are dedicated to the biblical/historical doctrines of the faith as set forth in the Five Solas of the Reformation.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014


Below are the current titles from SSP (as well as others by our founder from other publishers). For more information on any title (contents, sample chapter, and endorsements), click the appropriate page link at right.

Endorsed by evangelicals such as Steven J. Lawson, Thomas J. Nettles, Joel R. Beeke, John M. Frame, Justin Peters, and others, this is the record of Pastor Watson’s journey from an outspoken Arminian to a deeply devoted expositor of the biblical and historical Doctrines of Sovereign Grace. Several years in the making, this 360-page book is unique from others for two reasons: it is from a former passionate Arminian who knows those arguments well, and it treats these doctrines in an expositional manner instead of the usual topical fashion. After laying the all important foundation of how we should approach these doctrines, it then exposits the classic passages of Scripture that present them. A very special chapter, “The Test of History (Jude 3),” carefully traces the history of both Arminianism and Calvinism, demonstrating the consequences of both and the historical orthodoxy of the latter. [1 Copy, $13.00; 2–3 copies, $12.00 ea.; 4–5 copies, $11.00; 6+, $10.00 ea.  Also available on and for Kindle Reader.]

This 238-page book is a collection of Spurgeon’s sermons (unabridged and modernized English) that cover all “five points” of the Doctrines of Grace. They were carefully selected to present Spurgeon’s teaching accurately and succinctly so there won’t be any misunderstanding or misrepresenting. We are deeply indebted to Larry Pierce (the developer of the classic Bible software program, The Online Bible) and his wife Marion for their diligent labor in modernizing Spurgeon’s sermons, a task they began in 2008 and plan to complete in 2018. They graciously granted permission to use these modernized versions for this book. We have also added: more visible section headings and subheadings; additional paragraph breaks to split unusually long paragraphs; Scripture references in brackets so they can be listed in the “Scripture Index”; the occasional footnote to add helpful information or explanation; a four-page Publisher’s Preface; and an eleven-page biographical sketch of Spurgeon. Following an Introduction using Spurgeon’s “A Defense of Calvinism,” this collection includes 12 of his sermons: “The Unconquerable King,” “Divine Sovereignty,” “Human Inability,” “Free Will a Slave,” “God’s Will and Man’s Will,” “Election,” “The Death Of Christ,” “Particular Redemption,” “Effectual Calling,” “The Security of Believers; or, Sheep Who Shall Never Perish,” “Perseverance of the Saints;” and “High Doctrine” (the Conclusion). [1 Copy, $12.00; 2–3 copies, $11.00 ea.; 4–5 copies, $10.00; 6+, $9.00 ea. — Also available on and for Kindle Reader.]

Contemporary Theology is generally defined as a study of theology and theological trends from post-World War I to the present. This 174-page book champions historical Christianity and the sufficiency of Scripture against aberrant theologies of the modern day. It addresses: Fundamentalism, Evangelicalism, Neo-orthodoxy, Neo-Liberalism, Pentecostalism, the Charismatic Movement, the Vineyard Movement, Post-Vatican II Catholicism, Secular Theology, Theology of Hope, Liberation Theology, Process Theology,  The Jesus Seminar, Feminist Theology, Theologies of Success, Theologies of Eschatology, the New Age Movement, Postmodernism, and the Emerging Church. The purpose of this small volume, which was originally a series of lectures delivered at the Haiti Bible Institute in October of 2013, is simply to introduce this subject matter, not be an exhaustive treatment. Hopefully, it will both serve as a primer for those who want only the basics and also serve as a solid foundation on which to build for those who want to go deeper in such discerning studies. Special emphasis is placed on the fact that most contemporary theologies have an extremely low view of Scripture, which is repeatedly demonstrated in each topic of study. 

Like many other Christians, the author became acquainted with A. W. Tozer through his classic book, The Knowledge of the Holy. Other than that classic work, however, he had read almost nothing else of Tozer until about 1998. It was then that someone handed him a copy of God Tells the Man Who Cares. He was astounded to learn that decades ago Tozer faced and addressed most of the same issues that are diluting Christianity and undermining the Church today. A year of research and writing resulted in the present book. While it contains some biographical material, it is not a biography. Citing more than 200 extensive and carefully documented Tozer quotations, it is a review and analysis of Tozer’s thought on contemporary Christianity of his day (and as it turns out, our own as well). (186 pages) (Single copy, $12.00)

This 200-page book was originally part of the author’s three-and-one-half-year exposition of the Epistle to the Ephesians (which is scheduled for release in 2015). While it is still included in that full exposition, of course, the publisher felt that it should also be made available in this separate volume. Because of the great need for clear and solely biblical teaching concerning marriage and the family in our day, it was felt that making this material available separately would make it much more accessible and usable. It is hoped that it will be of use to couples preparing for marriage, couples and families needing answers to pressing problems, and perhaps even Bible study groups. Its nine chapters include: Foundations of the Christian Home; The Meaning and Motives of Marriage; The Model for Marriage (“Solomon’s Song”); The Responsibilities of the Wife; The Proverbs 31 Woman; The Responsibilities of the Husband; The Tragedy of Divorce; The Responsibilities of Children; and The Responsibilities of Parents. (Single copy, $12.00)

Part of the incomprehensible miracle of inspiration is that God used the personality, experiences, and even words of each Scripture writer so that the result was not only what the writer wanted to say but also exactly what God wanted to say. There is no better example of this than in the Psalms. We see the whole gamut of human experience—the positives and the negatives—but God is in it all and controlling it all. Sometimes we see a psalmist at the absolute lowest point of his life, and at other times at the highest, but God used it all to convey His truth with absolute precision. Psalm 119 is such a psalm. We see the writer lofty and low, diligent and discouraged, fearless and frightened, victorious and vanquished. The more we read, however, we discover his secret. While many Christians today are looking for the newest trend for their excitement, or seeking the answers to problems by reading the latest self-help book, the psalmist always went to the Word of God. Why? Because only there did he find everything. Simply put, Psalm 119 is devoted to praising the virtues, merits, and sufficiency of the Word of God and demonstrates the author’s total commitment to it. While it cannot compare with a classic such as Charles Spurgeon’s, this book is a complete, verse-by-verse, usually word-by-word, exposition of the Psalm. Based on a series of messages preached on consecutive Lord’s Day mornings from July 2007 through January 2008, it is rich in word studies, clearly outlined, and carefully applied. It is meant to be an encouragement, challenge, and source of growth to God’s people. (282 pages) (Single copy, $12.00)

This 50-page book reproduces a four-part series first preached by the author in July 2010. While it takes only about 40 seconds to read its 118 words, Psalm 23 is among the most comforting passages in all of Scripture. Its language is not scientific, philosophical, legal, or even all that theological. It is short, simple, and sweet, but, oh, so sublime! Oddly, sermons on Psalm 23 are often preached only at funerals, for here are truths that are not for the dead but for the living. David refers to the LORD as his Shepherd (Jehovah-Rō‘iy), and a Shepherd is for the living sheep, not the dead ones. This psalm is for every child of God for every aspect of life now. So, “using common ancient near-eastern images,” one expositor observes, “David progressively unveils his personal relationship with the LORD.” In beautiful poetry, David provides us with five emphases. After first speaking of the Shepherd’s person, he then exults in what he receives from his Shepherd: provision, paths, protection, and permanence. (Single copy, $5.50)

The Premier Book of SSP (2012). Was Matthias God’s choice to replace Judas (Acts 1:15-26)? What is the identity of those “sons of God” referred to in Genesis 6? Are the “angels” of the seven churches real angels or pastors (Rev. 1:20)? Is there a so-called call to ministry (Eph. 4:11; 1 Tim. 3:1)? Is “deaconess” a valid church office (1 Tim. 3:11)? What is the “sealing” of the Holy Spirit (Eph. 1:13-14)? Is “regeneration” absent from the Old Testament, being a New Testament doctrine only (Isa. 57:15; Eph. 2:1)? What do other terms that appear in Scripture mean, such as: “fall away” (Heb. 6:4-6), “old man” (Rom. 6:6), and “new creature” (2 Cor. 5:17)? Those are just a few of the “tough texts” we find in Scripture. Such texts are certainly not “less inspired” than the rest of Scripture, rather simply more intricate and complex and thereby demand especially diligent investigation. This 598-page book therefore, addresses many texts of Scripture that have historically been debated, are particularly difficult to understand, or have generated questions among believers. The chapters that follow originally appeared in the monthly publication, Truth on Tough Texts, which was launched by the author in August 2005. They reappear here so that they might reach a wider audience, as well as provide a quick reference for longtime readers of the monthly offerings. (Single copy, $25.00)

The sequel to "Truth on Tough Texts" above. This book is the collection of articles on historical issues from the first six years of the monthly publication, Truth on Tough Texts. The Reformation, for example, is misunderstood by many, ignored by some, and even attacked by others. It is, therefore, a major emphasis here in chapters 3 through 8. As noted in chapter 1, Spanish-born American philosopher and writer George Santayana (1863–1952) made the now famous statement, “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” Well, the Church as a whole has, indeed, forgotten much of the past, and the lessons we should learn from it, and is repeating many of the same errors. This book, therefore, begins in Part I with “Our Foundation,” in which we examine the value of studying Church History and then study the deep significance of the words of our Lord in Matthew 16:16–19, “Upon this rock.” Part II, “The Five Solas of the Reformation,” is the heart of our study in which we examine the core issues of the Reformation and are challenged with their importance for our day. Part III, “Other History Lessons,” addresses other historical figures and events that are critical for our understanding in a day of growing indifference to these matters. There are also more than 60 illustrations, most of which were not in the original articles. (220 pages) (Single copy, $12.00).

Free with any order. This 28-page booklet reproduces a message first preached by the author on January 6, 2013. From Genesis to Revelation, from the beginning to the end, the Bible is all about Christ, and it is He who we preach. To underscore this central theme, the Bible story is briefly told in a seven act drama: the creation, the curse, the comfort, the calamity, the contract, the coming, and the consummation. The end purpose, then, is two-fold: First, it is an encouragement to those who are already Christians to understand the central theme of the Bible, in contrast to the prevailing ideas in our day of what the Bible is about. While it is short, we pray it is comprehensive enough to challenge each of us with what our message really is. Second, we also pray that God will use this little work in the lives of readers who are not yet Christian believers. Appendix B offers a clear, biblical presentation of the saving Gospel of Christ.  We pray they will see what the Bible is truly about and how it addresses their real need. (Single copy, $2.00; 30 or more, $1.00 each). Also available in PDF or Kindle Reader FREE from the publisher via e-mail. One FREE copy included with every order

Pending SSP Books by Our Founder

Seek Him Early: Daily Devotional Studies on Knowing, Loving, and Serving Our Lord Jesus Christ (2016)
The Christian's Wealth and Walk: An Expository Commentary on Ephesians (2 vols.) (2017)
Contending for the Faith: An Expository Commentary on Jude (2014)
The Seven Churches of the 21st Century: An Exposition of Revelation 2 & 3 (2015)

Books by SSP Founder from Other Publishers

From AMG Publishers (SSP does not stock these titles)

The purpose of this book is to share the richness of some of the Greek words used in the New Testament and to help make them practical for Christian living. Since words matter, the words of the New Testament matter most. And in a day when words don’t seem to mean much, the need for precision in Christian doctrine and practice has never been more critical. Each day of the year we examine a particular Greek word by first presenting a brief word study and then a practical application to make that word real in your life. For reinforcement, each day also includes other related verses that you can study on your own. In our day of Relativism, the absolutes of God’s Word (and words) are desperately needed. I pray that this book will bless your heart, enrich your mind, stir your soul, and empower your life. It should prove useful to pastors, teachers, and all Christian Believers who desire a deeper understanding and application of “God’s Words.” (Get it at, CBD, or any other outlet or store.)

Back in 2006, Pastor Watson’s book A Word for the Day (above) was published by AMG Publishers. Upon being well received, AMG asked if he would be open to writing a similar book, this time on Hebrew words. Like its predecessor, its purpose is to share the richness of the words of the biblical languages and help make them practical in the reader’s Christian living. (Get it at, CBD, or any other outlet or store.)

From Wipf & Stock Publishers (SSP does stock this title)

The doctrine of salvation is the watershed doctrine of Scripture. Flowing from that doctrine will be not only all other doctrine but also personal practice and Christian ministry. The major controversy concerning salvation is whether it is a result of the sovereign grace of God alone or a mixture of “God’s part” and “man’s part.” Addressing that issue is absolutely critical to the very foundations of Christianity itself. Whichever one of those premises is correct, we should expect to find it everywhere we look in Scripture, and that is precisely what we find. There is no truth that permeates the Bible more than the doctrines of God’s sovereign grace. From Genesis to Revelation, in literally hundreds of verses, these doctrines call, capture, and command our attention. Of the many books of the Bible we could choose, the Gospel of John is among the most compelling because of its foundational nature. It is there we find some of the most profound teaching on the Doctrines of Grace in all Scripture. Examining more than one hundred verses in John, this small volume presents these great biblical and historical doctrines directly from the lips of our Lord. (137 pages) (Single copy, $15.00)

Books by Other Authors

We are in various stages of publishing books by other authors. Some are reprints of books that are out of print (such as J. Sidlow Baxter). Other titles are by current authors. 

If you are an author and have a book proposal, see the "Prospective Author Guidelines" link on the "Page List" above.